Something happens however that we do not expect. Somewhere between their first twenty four hours of life and adulthood the world continues to spin and not bow at their arrival. Kings do not hault at their presence and the soundtrack to The Lion King isn't played when you introduce them to people the first time as it did for Simba. Within a few days to weeks you begin to realize your perfect baby may not be so perfect when he or she chooses not to sleep all night or have a cold. By age two, you as a parent are probably thinking you might have to take them to a child psychologist because something must be seriously wrong with them when they lie down in the middle of the store and kick and scream to the point you are sure security will be called, all because you, the terrible horrible parent, won't give in to the child who insists on wanting the five dollar box of cereal just because it has a picture of a dog. A dog that takes five UPC codes to get and isn't even in the box.....
You are not alone. We have all been there. Consider this your wake up call. Those little sweet babies all turn out the same. They are all one thing. Human. They are not perfect. My grandmother used to tell me that when children are little they step on your toes and when they are older they step on your hearts. Oh boy was she ever right. Imagine having three kids in a gifted class and one that was held back in kindergarten because she couldn't read. Later you find out she has a learning disability and you wonder as a parent what you did wrong. The answer is simple. Nothing. It's just the way things are sometimes. Imagine being the parent of a sixteen year old who was always an honor roll student, a member of the Air Force JROTC, and trusts you completely to the point of responsibly asking for birth control, just to find out she can't take pills because of the hormones. She maturely asks for condoms. As a parent you are proud of her for trying so hard to be responsible. Unfortunately one breaks and you find yourself taking her to her first OB appointment and you become a grandmother at thirty three. It did not mean you were a bad parent. You can only lead a horse to drink and sometimes the horse has to poop and crap happens. It's life.
Then there are the moments that are priceless. The moments you wouldn't take anything for.
Those moments are the ones that make it all worthwhile. That same disappointment you felt when that sixteen year old told you she was pregnant goes clear out the window when you hold that grandson for the first time and say to him, "You're the best Chronicle yet."Me: Can anybody tell me who’s on the two dollar bill?Serenity (Age10): Andrew JacksonMe: No that would be a twenty. I’ll give you a hint. He was a white man with a black kid.Liberty (age8): Michael Jackson?Me: I don’t even know what to say to that.